2017年5月20日 星期六


苗亞杰和我是同一年來匹茲堡的。他的 office 在我 lab 旁邊,我們都常在學校待到深夜,他每晚回家路過我的座位,都會和我打個招呼。最後一次見到苗亞杰,是他畢業後、搬離 office 的隔天。我到 lab 時見他坐在樓梯口的沙發上敲筆電,問他怎麼還來學校?他笑笑說:來學校打印一些東西。

來美國六年,我第一次去超市買 "sympathy" 的卡片。站在 Giant Eagle 花花綠綠的卡片區,我只覺得人生有時還是好難。

系上老師與微軟的主管幫他設立了一個紀念獎學金。我說不出什麼大道理,總之捐了一點點錢。希望日後拿到這筆獎學金的誰,會一時興起,去估狗一下 Yajie Miao 曾經如何在語音的領域裡活躍過。

[Original message by Prof. Florian Metze, Yajie's advisor]

Dear all,

as indicated below, in my original message from November, we have now created the “Yajie Miao Memorial Student Travel Grant”. It will fund additional ISCA student travel grants for speech conferences. At future Interspeech conferences, students will be specifically selected as recipients of the Yajie Miao grant, and recognized as such at the opening or closing ceremony. ISCA has kindly volunteered to administer these grants for free.
You can now contribute (yes, Interspeech is upon us!) at https://www.youcaring.com/iscainternationalspeechcommunicationassociation-815026Donations go directly to ISCA. Even small contributions will quickly sum up to a sizable sum, and help to keep Yajie’s spirit alive at Interspeech, or other conferences.
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested in contributing.

Best regards,